How HP Differs from Conventional Psychology
Holographic Psychology is an abrupt change from the customary behavioristic psychology because its focus lies in actualizing the potential within the individual rather than feeling controlled or victimized by his or her environment.
Holographic Psychology can make the individual aware that his or her reality can be changed by examining his or her belief systems.
The fact that habitual negative habits may be harmful to the individual's state of mind is generally not yet widely accepted. Even today behavioristic orientation is still dominating most cultures. It is where the object of blame is outside the individual, where someone or something else is responsible for our circumstances and our feelings.
Realizing that the causal factor to reaction is due to an internal or "inner" psychological evaluation is new to a first reality understanding yet it was practiced centuries ago by giants like The Buddha, Jesus and Spinoza. For example, Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is within but first level of awareness is not sufficiently developed to comprehend or test its true meaning.
Realizing where ‘Location of Comprehension’ takes place will change our therapeutic approaches to healing and will end the belief that the cause for unhappiness in the individual's life is based on "external" circumstances.
Holographic Psychology principles eliminate the middle man or the subject or object of blame as the individual begins to realize where his or her feelings and interpretations take place.
The psychological principles have to do with unfolding hidden talents that have been asleep perhaps for decades (pre-existing potential) rather than focusing on areas that do not work beneficially for the individual.
What is often expressed as pathological behavior emerged from limiting beliefs that were accepted and then nurtured on a daily basis. These beliefs created a current reality (self-image) for the individual and subsequently justified their behavior or situation.
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Dynamics Of Change
Differences in the way we move from one level of understanding to another level are expressed as "Dynamics of Change".
As mentioned in the beginning, this change must be viewed in the context of 'movement' from a present level of conscious awareness to a new or different level of conscious awareness. Processing this change involves realizing that we have something to do with the way we react and feel about any situation.
What we are experiencing is not nearly as important as what we do about what we are experiencing. One person can feel completely devastated over the break-up of a relationship and another person will focus on new possibilities.
When we view life in the context of continuous change, we will have a much easier time adjusting to new or unexpected situations.
Most of the population does not embrace change even if it means living a more meaningful life because the unknown can be threatening. Being attached to certain habits often creates a (false) security, forming the basis of the life we live.
Unless we are open to new meanings that will increase our level of awareness, we will live our life within the boundaries that were given to us by authority figures we believed already had the truth.
Questioning authority was not something we did in the past because we believed that the authority had absolute answers.
Thankfully today we have more information available than ever before in human history and we can take part in a decision that will concern the rest of our own life or the life of a family member or friend.